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576 Ergebnisse - Zeige 1 von 20.

Designing Displays for Older Adults

McLaughlin, Anne / Pak, Richard
Designing Displays for Older Adults
A primer on age-related changes in cognition, perception, and behavior organized into meaningful principles that improve understanding. It explores the complex set of mental and physical changes that occur during aging and that can affect technology acceptance, adoption, interaction, safety, and satisfaction.

CHF 131.00

Caribbean Vegan

Mason, Taymer
Caribbean Vegan
Here is your passport to a world of distinctive, unforgettable food--125 delicious, authentic vegan recipes that showcase flavors and ingredients from across the Caribbean islandsIf "Caribbean cuisine" makes you think of pineapples and coconuts, you're missing out. The Caribbean islands are home to a rich cooking tradition that combines African, French, Spanish, British, Asian, and Indian influences, adds an unmistakable local flair . . . and ...

CHF 27.50

The Sixties

Isherwood, Christopher
The Sixties
This second volume of Christopher Isherwood's remarkable diaries opens on his fifty-sixth birthday, as the fifties give way to the decade of social and sexual revolution. Isherwood takes the reader from the bohemian sunshine of Southern California to a London finally swinging free of post-war gloom, to the racy cosmopolitanism of New York and to the raw Australian outback. He charts his ongoing quest for spiritual certainty under the guidance ...

CHF 47.50


Sarrica, Michele
Disquisizione, emotiva-sensoriale, attorno al pianeta delle vibrazioni provocate dal bacio ed analizzate in maniera scientifico-sessuale da un esperto in lingue vive e morte. Piacere, stimoli e tanta ironia in un caleidoscopico susseguirsi di trovate alla ricerca della conoscenza e della sintomatologia che intercorre tra due esseri, possibilmente viventi, coinvolti e sconvolti dal desiderio di scambiarsi un bacio e anche le dentiere.

CHF 21.50


Sarrica, Michele
Per accennare al contenuto di questo brillante monologo, basterebbe dire: quando acquistare un regalo per il compleanno della moglie diventa un problema di sopravvivenza. Ma chi non ha moglie, riesce a comprendere, fino in fondo, cosa comporta scegliere un regalo per festeggiare tale evento? E a noi che ce ne frega!... In ogni caso, credo che tra queste pagine troverà la drammatica conferma dei dilemmi che nascono anche per festeggiare tale av...

CHF 20.90

I Prodigi della Nuova Scienza

Mele, Carlo
I Prodigi della Nuova Scienza
L'autore mette a nudo i precisi meccanismi scientifici che si sottendono agli eventi della sfera psichica, fisica, spirituale e dell'esistenza quotidiana dell'uomo, sottraendoli al plagio di antichi pregiudizi, specie religiosi, dannosi e spesso strumentali e demagogici. Fondatosi su una rivoluzionaria equazione mente-energia-materia, il ricercatore introduce gli innovativi principi della Amplificazione Mentale di Energia e del Campo di Forza...

CHF 30.50

Naked Sunfish - Best Bites

Brown, Rick
Naked Sunfish - Best Bites
Best Bites is a retrospective of Rick Brown's observational non-fiction (and a memoir of sorts) taken from the virtual pages of Naked Sunfish! His enthusiasm for life's mundane events is refreshingly humorous and many times poignant.

CHF 25.50


Christ, James F.
In September 2005, Anti-Coalition militia stole official voting ballots in Kamdesh, Nuristan, endangering the validity of the elections. Although Nuristan was considered a haven for al Qaeda and other anti-American factions and not an area where American forces operated, Task Force Phoenix deployed five US National Guardmen to provide an American presence and to ensure the elections proceeded. Five American soldiers, a remote and dangerous ...

CHF 22.50

Ophthalmic Clinical Examination- The Sydney Eye Hospital ...

Fung, Adrian
Ophthalmic Clinical Examination- The Sydney Eye Hospital Registrars' Manual
This book provides a clear, simple, safe method for examining patients who present with eye problems. With hundreds of full-colour photographs and diagrams, practical advice and tips, it will assist ophthalmology trainees preparing for their clinical examinations. It is also suitable for medical students, orthoptists, ophthalmic technicians, optometrists, nurses, family physicians and general ophthalmologists.

CHF 191.00

Graphematik/Phonologie der Familiennamen II

Dammel, Antje / Schmuck, Mirjam / Heuser, Rita / Dräger, Kathrin
Graphematik/Phonologie der Familiennamen II
Dieses Grundlagenwerk dokumentiert mit über tausend Karten und Kommentaren erstmals den Familiennamenbestand der BRD nach statistischem Vorkommen und räumlicher Verbreitung. Linguistischen Interessen wird durch einen grammatischen Teil (drei Bände) Rechnung getragen (Phonematik, Graphematik, Morphematik, Syntagmatik der Familiennamen), kultur- und bevölkerungshistorischen Interessen durch einen lexikalischen Teil (drei Bände: Familiennamen nac...

CHF 519.00

Terahertz Spectroscopy of Dimethyl Ether

Endres, Christian
Terahertz Spectroscopy of Dimethyl Ether
Dimethyl ether is one of the largest organic molecules detected in the interstellar medium. It is highly abundant in star forming regions. As an asymmetric top molecule with two methyl groups which undergo large amplitude motions and a moderately large dipole moment, it conveys a dense spectrum throughout the terahertz region and contributes to the spectral line confusion in astronomical observations at these frequencies.In the scope of this t...

CHF 37.90

Standortgerechte Baumartenwahl in Nordrhein-Westfalen. Wu...

Asche, Norbert
Standortgerechte Baumartenwahl in Nordrhein-Westfalen. Wuchsgebiet Sauerland - Eine Entscheidungshilfe unter Berücksichtigung des Klimawandels
Die standortgerechte Baumartenwahl wird in verschiedenen programmatischen und rechtlichen Vorgaben für die Waldentwicklung und naturnahe Waldbewirtschaftung gefordert. Baumarten sind dann standortgerecht, wenn die bekannten ökologischen Ansprüche der Baumart bzw. des Baumbestandes mit den erfaßten Standorteigenschaften (Umweltbedingungen) möglichst vollständig übereinstimmen, die Baumart vital und stabil erwächst und keine negativen Einflüsse ...

CHF 40.50

Ocenka social'no-äkonomicheskogo potenciala regiona

Blqhman, Anna
Ocenka social'no-äkonomicheskogo potenciala regiona
Odnoj iz wazhnejshih zadach regional'noj politiki qwlqetsq sozdanie sistemy monitoringa social'no- äkonomicheskogo razwitiq regionow, kotoraq pozwolit obespechit' organy regional'nogo uprawleniq polnoj, operatiwnoj i dostowernoj informaciej o processah, protekaüschih w dannom äkonomicheskom sub#ekte. Reshenie ätoj zadachi predpolagaet razrabotku sootwetstwuüschej teoreticheskoj bazy, metodologii ocenki äkonomicheskogo potenciala regiona. Awtor...

CHF 64.00

A Fine Band of Farmers are We!

Guest, Bill
A Fine Band of Farmers are We!
This history of agricultural studies in KwaZulu-Natal over a period of 75 years, from 1934 to 2009, gives a detailed overview of the establishment of formal agricultural studies in the province and focuses on the Faculty of Agriculture at the University of KwaZulu-Natal. Alumni of "AgFac", as it was affectionately known, have made their mark in agricultural research not only in South Africa but also internationally.Today the School of Agricult...

CHF 63.00

Kinematic Geometric Modeling for Free-form Motion Generation

Trujillo Suárez, Carlos Andrés
Kinematic Geometric Modeling for Free-form Motion Generation
This work presents new approaches for motion design and analysis suitable for the integration of Computer Aided Design (CAD), Computer Aided Manufacturing (CAM) and Computerized Numerical Control (CNC). Therefore, not only shape but also kinematic information is conveyed in an efficient manner that can be easily implemented in CAD/CAM systems and eventually interpreted by CNC manufacturing equipment. By using dual quaternions, quaternions and ...

CHF 64.00

Peregrinatio in terram sanctam

Breydenbach, Bernhard Von / Mozer, Isolde
Peregrinatio in terram sanctam
Die Inkunabel Peregrinatio in terram sanctam des Bernhard von Breydenbach war ein Bestseller seiner Zeit. Der 1486 erstmals auf Deutsch erschienene Pilgerbericht beeindruckte zunächst durch seine außergewöhnlichen Holzschnitt-Panoramen. Die vorliegende vollständige Edition und Übertragung des frühneuhochdeutschen Textes stellt dagegen die schriftliche Quelle zur Disposition. Dort findet sich neben tagebuchartigen Aufzeichnungen, theologischen ...

CHF 276.00