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1157 Ergebnisse - Zeige 1 von 20.

Learn to Read at Home with Bug Club Phonics: Pack 5 (Pack...

Hawes, Alison / Lynch, Emma / Shipton, Paul
Learn to Read at Home with Bug Club Phonics: Pack 5 (Pack of 4 reading books with 3 fiction and 1 non-fiction)
Phonics Bug is a pretty special Phonics programme that gives children a firm, fun foundation in phonics. It uses research-based teaching methods so it's proven to work, and it joins 100% decodable books with CBeebies videos and an online reading world, so it's the ideal way to get today's little readers started on their journey to reading success. Phonics Bug books are ideal for use at home too, and are a great way to help your child take thei...

CHF 20.50

Jesus Sirach 1-23

Marböck, Johannes / Marböck, Johannes
Jesus Sirach 1-23
Jesus Sirach, das Werk eines schriftgelehrten Weisen aus Jerusalem vom Beginn des 2. Jahrhunderts v. Chr., ist mit 51 Kapiteln die umfangreichste Weisheitsschrift der Bibel. Die wechselvolle und schwierige Geschichte seiner Textüberlieferung ist Zeugnis eines Buches an der Grenze des Kanons. Es spiegelt eine politische und geistige Wende in Palästina. Herausgefordert durch die Begegnung mit der Kultur des Hellenismus sucht der Verfasser Antwor...

CHF 104.00


Vintila-Ghitulescu, Constanta / Schippel, Larisa
Rumäniens Aufbruch nach Europa beginnt in der zweiten Hälfte des 18. Jahrhunderts. Vor dem Hintergrund französischer, russischer und habsburgischer Einflüsse dringt die Verwestlichung in alle Bereiche der Gesellschaft und des täglichen Lebens vor. Die Autorin richtet ihren Blick auf ein bislang weitgehend unerforschtes Feld: Liebe und Sexualität in den rumänischen Fürstentümern im soziokulturellen Umbruch. Sie skizziert den kulturhistorischen ...

CHF 52.50

The Fall of Levitation

Redfern, Lee
The Fall of Levitation
A human heart in the hands of a patron dining in the White Nights cafe, children swinging from the trees in the grounds of a local church, a body found by the river during a torrential downpour, bullets in the garden in a random game of William Tell but who can say who is buried beneath the small wooden cross? A house can only give away so many secrets, most remain left to providence. With so many stories to tell, it should be a normal day ...

CHF 28.50

Sundogs 2008

Pasion, Adam
Sundogs 2008
365 days in the life of an expat. Diary comics about life in Japan, raising a family, unemployment, punk rock and drunken revelry. Fun for the whole family.

CHF 24.50

Herod's Last Night

Smith, Ian
Herod's Last Night
This dark two-act comedy deals with the last hours of Herod the Great. Rome has kept him in power for 30 years. Behind him, a string of murders: his rivals, his colleagues, his family: even sons and a beloved wife. And there was that incident at Bethlehem whose memory won't go away. His legacy is hatred, madness and hopelessness. Can anyone truly care about him? Can he end his days with any ray of hope? Tottering through his last hours, the ...

CHF 15.50

Grasmere 2010

Gravil, Richard
Grasmere 2010
A Selection of lectures and papers from the 40th Anniversary Wordsworth Summer Conference including keynote lectures by Simon Bainbridge, Gary Harrison, Kenneth Johnston, Anthony Harding, Nahoko Miyamoto Alvey and Seamus Perry, and papers by Peter Spratley, James Castell, Saeko Yoshikawa, Daniel Robinson, Erica McAlpine and Fay Yao.

CHF 33.50

Differencial'naq geometriq prostranstwa pochti komplexnyh...

Daurcewa, Nataliq
Differencial'naq geometriq prostranstwa pochti komplexnyh struktur
V rabote izuchaetsq geometriq prostranstwa pochti komplexnyh struktur na gladkom chetnomernom kompaktnom pochti ärmitowom mnogoobrazii bez granicy. Nalichie pochti ärmitowoj struktury pozwolqet wydelit' na ätom prostranstwe dwa wazhnyh podmnozhestwa. A imenno, mnozhestwo wseh ortogonal'nyh (otnositel'no imeüschejsq metriki) pochti komplexnyh struktur, i mnozhestwo struktur, polozhitel'no associirowannyh s fundamental'noj formoj. Dokazano, chto...

CHF 64.00

Vospitanie gumanitarnoj kul'tury buduschego uchitelq inos...

Shherbatyh, Lüdmila
Vospitanie gumanitarnoj kul'tury buduschego uchitelq inostrannogo qzyka
V monografii osweschaetsq aktual'naq problema srednego professional'nogo i wysshego obrazowaniq - wospitanie gumanitarnoj kul'tury buduschego uchitelq. Owladenie gumanitarnoj kul'turoj priwodit uchitelq k osmysleniü im filosofskih, duhowno-nrawstwennyh osnowanij pedagogicheskoj deqtel'nosti, pozwolqet izuchat' i ponimat' wospitannikow, wwodit' ih w mir obschechelowecheskoj kul'tury, organizowywat' ih duhowno nasyschennuü deqtel'nost'. Awtor mo...

CHF 102.00

Social'nye cennosti drewnih grekow

Dükarew, Vladimir
Social'nye cennosti drewnih grekow
Perspektiwnym naprawleniem mezhdisciplinarnyh gumanitarnyh issledowanij qwlqetsq istoricheskaq antropologiq, odnim iz ob#ektow izucheniq kotoroj qwlqetsq sistema cennostej. Ona wo mnogom opredelqet uspehi obschestwennogo razwitiq. Vystupaq w kachestwe instrumenta social'nogo regulirowaniq, cennosti qwlqütsq tem promezhutochnym zwenom, kotoroe swqzywaet powedenie cheloweka s ego wazhnejshimi social'nymi institutami, idealami i trebowaniqmi. Odn...

CHF 64.00

Informatizaciq kul'turno-obrazowatel'nogo prostranstwa

Pronina, Lüdmila
Informatizaciq kul'turno-obrazowatel'nogo prostranstwa
V rabote raskrywaütsq informalogicheskie, informaciologicheskie i sinergeticheskie podhody k stanowleniü i razwitiü kul'turno-obrazowatel'nogo prostranstwa. Awtorom issleduütsq suschnost' i struktura informatizacii obschestwa, infosfera kak katalizator kul'turnoj dinamiki sowremennosti, informatizaciq kak kachestwo kul'turno-obrazowatel'nogo prostranstwa, informacionnaq kul'tura kak modus informatizacii. Translqtorom i preemnikom kul'turnyh ob...

CHF 102.00

Dizajn kak semioticheskaq struktura

Pankratowa, Alexandra
Dizajn kak semioticheskaq struktura
Nesmotrq na powsemestnoe rasprostranenie praktiki dizajna w sowremennom mire, teoreticheskoe osmyslenie fenomena dizajna ne zawersheno. V dannoj rabote issleduütsq mehanizmy obrazowaniq smysla w dizajne inter'era. V kachestwe materiala issledowaniq ispol'zuütsq zhurnaly sootwetstwuüschej tematiki. Vyqwlqütsq principial'nye harakteristiki sowremennogo inter'era putem srawneniq ego s tradicionnym inter'erom na osnowe teorii Zh. Bodrijara. Dlq äx...

CHF 88.00

Flute in the Forest

Broome, Leela Gour
Flute in the Forest
Thirteen-year-old Atiya will win the hearts of young readers. Although physically handicapped, her adventurous spirit takes her on lonely rambles into the wildlife sanctuary. She knows the ways of the jungle and its creatures great and small. Atiya Sardare lives with her dad, a forest officer. An only child, afflicted by polio, she finds solace and peace in the jungle, exploring it on short, secret, often dangerous treks. On one occasion she h...

CHF 28.50

Germenewtika kak iskusstwo ponimaniq hudozhestwennogo texta

Moiseewa, Irina
Germenewtika kak iskusstwo ponimaniq hudozhestwennogo texta
Monografiq poswqschena probleme wzaimootnosheniq mezhdu chitatelem i hudozhestwennym textom. Bazisom issledowaniq qwlqetsq germenewticheskij podhod - iskusstwo tolkowaniq, interpretacii, ponimaniq i ob#qsneniq hudozhestwennyh proizwedenij, a takzhe osnowopolagaüschij tezis lingwistiki texta, soglasno kotoromu ambiwalentnost' semantiki i mnozhestwennost' interpretacij qzykowyh sredstw hudozhestwennogo texta swqzany s ispol'zowaniem slowesnyh zn...

CHF 77.00

Russkij liberalizm

Borisowa, Juliq
Russkij liberalizm
Odnoj iz ustojchiwyh harakteristik rossijskogo soznaniq, kak demonstriruet russkaq istoriq, qwlqetsq nepriqtie prawa, skoree «begstwo ot swobody», chem zhelanie ee obresti. Odnako obschestwennost' neredko imeet wes'ma smutnye, i dazhe prewratnye predstawleniq o liberalizme. V kul'ture ne wyrabotano obschee ponimanie suschnosti liberalizma, ego transformacii w otdel'nye istoricheskie äpohi, rashozhdenij liberalizma s socializmom i anarhizmom, s...

CHF 88.00

Statisticheskie modeli turbulentnosti

Gol'din, Pawel
Statisticheskie modeli turbulentnosti
Kak chasto otmechaetsq, teoreticheskoe opisanie razwitoj turbulentnosti poka ostaetsq wo mnogom nereshennoj zadachej. Bol'shinstwo analiticheskih teorij turbulentnosti prihoditsq rassmatriwat' kak polufenomenologicheskie modeli w tom smysle, chto oni ne qwlqütsq priblizheniqmi konechnogo porqdka w nekotoroj regulqrnoj teorii wozmuschenij po malomu parametru dlq kakoj-libo posledowatel'noj mikroskopicheskoj modeli tipa stohasticheskogo urawneni...

CHF 64.00

Diskretnye periodicheskie splajny i powerhnosti Kunsa

Chashnikow, Nikolaj
Diskretnye periodicheskie splajny i powerhnosti Kunsa
Geometricheskoe modelirowanie - oblast' nauki, w kotoroj izuchaütsq sposoby postroeniq kriwyh, powerhnostej i tel, a takzhe komp'üternaq realizaciq razlichnyh operacij, proizwodimyh s nimi. Zadanie kriwyh i powerhnostej diskretnymi funkciqmi pozwolqet uprostit' ih otobrazhenie i obrabotku na komp'ütere. Perwaq chast' knigi powqschena diskretnym periodicheskim splajnam s wektornymi koäfficientami i postroeniü s ih pomosch'ü zamknutyh kriwyh. Vo...

CHF 64.00