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597 Ergebnisse - Zeige 1 von 20.

The Parson's Tale

Chaucer, Geoffrey
The Parson's Tale
The Parson's Tale is the final chapter of Geoffrey Chaucer's Canterbury Tales. Because of its profound Catholic content, this tale has been selectively excluded from most modern versions of Canterbury Tales. In it a humble parson, or priest, educates us on the topic of sin: its identification, repentance, and atonement. A primary emphasis is given to the seven deadly sins. Upon delving into this section, a person may subtly undergo an examinat...

CHF 20.50

Issues in Contemporary Teaching Volume 1

Knight, Bruce Allen / Lynch, David
Issues in Contemporary Teaching Volume 1
This book is the first in a series that incorporates essays focused on issues informing the work of the contemporary teacher. While broad in scope, the book provides the reader with a snap-shot of research endeavours that are informing teacher work. The book specifically examines issues that inform the changing nature of teacher work, including teacher capabilities for the information age, the changing nature of school curriculums and the dive...

CHF 32.50

The Deeper Darkness

Stapylton, K E
The Deeper Darkness
Book 2 of the Prism Series. Expecting to be returned to their world after the successful retrieval of the red crystal quadrant, Rabbit and Rupert are instead sucked, with Jasper and Aden, into the oceans of Prism. From Undersea to the home of the mer-people, and then to the utter deep and the realms of the slurry, Rupert, Rabbit, Jasper and Aden experience the very best and worst the watery worlds have to offer, as their journey becomes a terr...

CHF 28.90


Alexander, Cheryl
Indie musician Cheryl Alexander ( selects some of her favorite lyrics and poems and provides an introspective statement about each one in this enchanting book called "Reflections." Self-revealing and heartfelt, these lyrics, poems, and introspections touch upon topics of loss, spirituality, following one's passion, sensuality and sexuality, and day-to-day challenges. The humorous piece rounds out this compilation of th...

CHF 17.90

Gang-Stalking and Mind-Control

Forwood, A. K.
Gang-Stalking and Mind-Control
A secret underground lurks throughout society, a sophisticated network of secret 'policing' units that are cropping up in every community. It is made up of people from all walks of life who are operating as a fascist secret police force against all freedom-loving citizens of the western world. They pretend to be serving a good cause, but they are creating terror in our neighborhoods and destroying lives, one person at a time. This secret netwo...

CHF 23.50

Psihologiq Dobra

Berezina, Tat'qna
Psihologiq Dobra
V monografii izuchaütsq wershinnye proqwleniq chelowecheskoj psihiki: dobro, duhownost', duhownye sposobnosti, smysl zhizni, al'truizm, i ih wyrazhennost' w rossijskom mentalitete. Awtor predlagaet original'nuü klassifikaciü smyslow. V osnowe klassifikacii lezhit äkzistencial'noe predstawlenie smysla, kak kategorii, swqzannoj s chelowecheskoj zhizn'ü, i dazhe neposredstwenno iz nee wytekaüschej: smysly kak idealizaciq instinktiwnyh wlechenij. ...

CHF 64.00

Ultimate Guide to Sexual Fantasy (16pt Large Print Edition)

Blue, Violet
Ultimate Guide to Sexual Fantasy (16pt Large Print Edition)
The Ultimate Guide to Sexual Fantasy is a complete guide for readers who want to use sexual fantasies to change old habits, learn new tricks, and make their sex lives more imaginative. With wit and enthusiasm, sex educator Violet Blue encourages couples to talk about and explore fantasies together to deepen erotic intimacy. She takes readers on a tour of the wide world of sexual fantasies, offering expert advice for talking dirty to a partner,...

CHF 38.90

Jute No More

Jute No More
As the Victorian era drew to a close, Dundee was the world's jute manufacturing capital - 'Juteopolis'. But behind that success was a harsh working environment and low wages, especially for the predominantly female workforce. There was appalling social distress, resulting in part from abysmal living conditions. As the present century dawned, a new Dundee was in the making. 'Juteopolis' no more, in the later twentieth century Dundee had pro cla...

CHF 53.90

Awtoklawnye silikatnye materialy na poputnyh porodah doby...

Zhukow, Roman / Volodchenko, Anatolij
Awtoklawnye silikatnye materialy na poputnyh porodah dobychi almazow
Pri razrabotke mestorozhdenij almazow w Arhangel'skoj oblasti w zonu gornyh rabot popadaüt milliony kubicheskih metrow wskryshnyh i wmeschaüschih peschano- glinistyh porod, racional'nye oblasti ispol'zowaniq kotoryh, do nastoqschego wremeni, ne opredeleny. Problema utilizacii peschano-glinistyh porod mestorozhdenij almazow wstaet wes'ma ostro. V knige rassmotrena wozmozhnost' ispol'zowaniq tehnogennogo syr'q dlq polucheniq äffektiwnyh wysokopu...

CHF 88.00

Ingibitory serinowyh proteinaz i al'fa-amilaz

Islamow, Rinat
Ingibitory serinowyh proteinaz i al'fa-amilaz
Kniga soderzhit swedeniq ob ingibitorah serinowyh proteinaz i a-amilaz obnaruzhennyh i wydelennyh preimuschestwenno iz rastenij. Pokazan polimorfizm struktury i swojstw belkowyh ingibitorow serinowyh proteinaz i a-amilaz. Obsuzhdaetsq wopros ob ih ispol'zowanii w kachestwe markerow w selekcii rastenij i pri issledowanii kancerogeneza, w razrabotke na osnowe ingibitorow nowyh lekarstwennyh preparatow i nanosensorow. Udelqetsq wnimanie metodam w...

CHF 64.00

Formirowanie innowacionnoj politiki hozqjstwuüschih sub#e...

Bykova, Ol'Ga / Unanqn, Artur
Formirowanie innowacionnoj politiki hozqjstwuüschih sub#ektow
V knige rassmatriwaetsq ponqtie innowaciq, innowacionnoe uprawlenie na raznyh urownqh hozqjstwowaniq. Rassmatriwaetsq metodika innowacionnogo razwitiq hozqjstwennyh sub#ektow i na ee osnowe wystraiwaetsq mehanizm regulirowaniq innowacionnyh processow. Itogi razwitiq krupnyh inwesticionnyh ob#ektow za poslednie desqt' let swidetel'stwuüt o slozhnosti proishodqschih w nih social'no-äkonomicheskih processow. V poslednie gody prakticheski ne prowo...

CHF 102.00


Kutyrew, I. / Lamazhapowa, G. / Zhamsaranowa, S.
Bajkal'skaq nerpa - ändemik i edinstwennoe wodnoe mlekopitaüschee ozera Bajkal. Poskol'ku ozero wklücheno w Spisok uchastkow mirowogo prirodnogo naslediq JuNESKO, to predstawlqetsq aktual'nym izuchenie ego obitatelej, w chastnosti takogo unikal'nogo zhiwotnogo, kak bajkal'skaq nerpa, w celqh sohraneniq biologicheskogo raznoobraziq ozera. V postnatal'nom ontogeneze bryzheechnye limfaticheskie uzly bajkal'skoj nerpy preterpewaüt sleduüschie wozr...

CHF 88.00

Sidonij Apollinarij i pozdneantichnaq kul'tura

Buqrow, Dmitrij
Sidonij Apollinarij i pozdneantichnaq kul'tura
V monografii issleduetsq sintez swetskih i hristianskih nachal w mirowozzrenii i literaturnom tworchestwe Sidoniq Apollinariq, bywshego wydaüschimsq literatorom, politikom i episkopom wtoroj polowiny V w. i sygrawshego znachitel'nuü rol' w sohranenii antichnogo naslediq. Mirowozzrenie i sochineniq Sidoniq Apollinariq rassmatriwaütsq w kontexte pozdneantichnoj kul'tury. Issledowanie na styke istorii, filosofii i kul'turologii pozwolqet priblizi...

CHF 88.00

Melatonin w regulqcii swobodnoradikal'nogo gomeostaza

Popow, Sergej
Melatonin w regulqcii swobodnoradikal'nogo gomeostaza
V knige predstawleny rezul'taty issledowaniq wozdejstwiq melatonina na sostoqnie swobodnoradikal'nogo gomeostaza w tkanqh mlekopitaüschih pri toxicheskom gepatite i sindrome tireotoxikoza. Rassmatriwaetsq wliqnie dannogo gormona na rqd pokazatelej intensiwnosti swobodnoradikal'nyh processow i funkcionirowanie fermentatiwnogo i nefermentatiwnogo zwen'ew antioxidantnoj sistemy organizma. Priwodqtsq rezul'taty analiza aktiwnosti fermentow okislit...

CHF 77.00

Psihologicheskaq äxpertiza w innowacionnom obrazowanii

Mkrtychqn, Gerasim
Psihologicheskaq äxpertiza w innowacionnom obrazowanii
V rabote prowoditsq analiz ponqtiq äxpertizy w obrazowanii kak professional'noj deqtel'nosti. Na osnowe gumanitarnoj metodologii poznaniq predlagaütsq principy prowedeniq äxpertizy. Jempiricheski issleduetsq model' indiwidual'noj deqtel'nosti äxperta w obrazowanii, wklüchaq ego professional'no wazhnye kachestwa. Obosnowywaetsq neobhodimost' sozdaniq trehurownewoj sistemy äxpertnoj sluzhby w regional'nom obrazowanii. Izlagaetsq koncepciq i uche...

CHF 77.00

Prezentaciq znaniq

Kalmykow, Alexandr
Prezentaciq znaniq
Monografiq poswqschena probleme wizualizacii, stanowqschejsq po mere rasshireniq internet-predstawlenij znaniq odnoj iz central'nyh problem nauki, obrazowaniq, tehnologij. Vizualizaciq rassmatriwaetsq ne tol'ko kak sredstwo prakticheskoj raboty po predstawleniü znanij i doneseniü ih do celewoj auditorii, no i kak metod samogo poznaniq, w znachitel'noj stepeni wliqüschij na formu i soderzhanie itogowogo rezul'tata - nowogo znaniq. Dannyj trud q...

CHF 88.00

Granicy äkzistencii: ot K'erkegora k Yaspersu

Merzlqkowa, Natal'q
Granicy äkzistencii: ot K'erkegora k Yaspersu
Dannaq rabota predstawlqet soboj opyt filosofsko- komparatiwistskogo analiza fenomena äkzistencii na osnowe filosofskih wozzrenij S. K'rkegora i K. Yaspersa. V hode komplexnogo izucheniq suschnosti äkzistencii stanowitsq wozmozhnym rasshirit' ee granicy ot "odinochestwa" k kommunikacii. V osnowe issledowaniq lezhit krestowidnaq matrica, demonstriruüschaq dwe wozmozhnosti preodoleniq "odinochestwa" äkzistencii - wertikal'nuü i gorizontal'nuü. V...

CHF 88.00

Ocenka i monitoring antropogennogo wozdejstwiq gornoj pro...

Yanickij, Ewgenij
Ocenka i monitoring antropogennogo wozdejstwiq gornoj promyshlennosti
Lübaq razrabotka mestorozhdenij poleznyh iskopaemyh soprqzhena s antropogennym wozdejstwiem na okruzhaüschuü sredu. Osobenno sil'no ono proqwlqetsq w regionah s krupnymi zapasami mineral'nogo syr'q i sootwetstwenno s wysokoj koncentraciej gornogo proizwodstwa. V rabote razrabotana metodika integral'noj geoäkologicheskoj ocenki antropogennogo wozdejstwiq gornoj promyshlennosti, na osnowe kotoroj ocenen urowen' antropogennoj nagruzki na territor...

CHF 77.00

Prostranstwo social'noj pamqti

Anikin, Daniil
Prostranstwo social'noj pamqti
Dannaq kniga poswqschena processu izmeneniq otnosheniq k proshlomu, chto wyrazhaetsq w aktualizacii ponqtiq "social'naq pamqt'" i stanowlenii prostranstwennogo podhoda w filosofii istorii. Osnowywaqs' na poststrukturalistskih predposylkah issledowaniq, podobnyj podhod delaet akcent na reprezentacii proshlogo w nastoqschem, kogda älementy istoricheskoj real'nosti okazywaütsq uporqdocheny w sootwetstwii s topologicheskimi principami. Social'naq ...

CHF 77.00

Prawowoj rezhim nezhilyh pomeschenij

Rubanowa, Mariq
Prawowoj rezhim nezhilyh pomeschenij
V nastoqschem monograficheskom issledowanii prawowogo rezhima nezhilyh pomeschenij po rossijskomu prawu, rassmatriwaütsq sleduüschie woprosy: kakie pomescheniq qwlqütsq samostoqtel'nymi nedwizhimymi weschami, kakie normy dolzhny primenqt'sq k dannym otnosheniqm, kakie prawa i obqzannosti priobretaüt sobstwenniki nezhilyh pomeschenij w otnoshenii obschih konstrukcij zdaniq, zemel'nyh uchastkow, kakowy osobennosti oborota nezhilyh pomeschenij, r...

CHF 88.00