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612 Ergebnisse - Zeige 1 von 20.

Feline Constipation

Erickson, Pat
Feline Constipation
Constipation is not only miserable for cats, it is unhealthy. Constipation can be the result of illness or disease and/or it can contribute to illness or disease. The best treatment for a constipated cat is a human who understands how things work - how the digestive tract works, what poop is and is not, which remedies can help and which can harm or be ineffective.

CHF 25.90

Eleven Electric Lies

Brown, Cheeseburger
Eleven Electric Lies
The third collection of short fiction from Chester Burton 'Cheeseburger' Brown spans centuries and worlds, taking you along with the first people to visit Mars, construction workers in orbit, robot children from the end of all history, a man lost in hyperspace, a maze across time, a contagious nightmare, tribes of hunters in the sewers, revolutionary apes, and artificial terrorists falling in simulated love.

CHF 29.50

Look Smarter Than You Are with Essbase Studio

Schwartzberg, Glenn
Look Smarter Than You Are with Essbase Studio
Essbase Studio is your new cube factory for building Essbase applications. As it cements its role as the replacement for Essbase integration Services (EIS), you'll have a new tool to take your data warehouse, relational, and textual data and combine it into a glorious multi-dimensional cube optimized for analysis. In this book, you'll join a duo of intrepid explorers as they discover the wonders of the Essbase Studio back lot. Learn with them ...

CHF 50.90

The History of Dingley

Lucas, Tony
The History of Dingley
A detailed history of the village of Dingley in Northamptonshire from its earliest beginnings through to modern times.

CHF 36.50

Axe Hand, Hsing-i & Internal Strength Workout

Hayes, Greg
Axe Hand, Hsing-i & Internal Strength Workout
Internal Energy workouts for feeling Qi: contain meditations, rooting, exercises, objective tests and self adjustments. Handbook uses the common ground of the 'shared lived experience'. Wrist and forearm stretches for energy flow: these along with massage can help with tendonitis, typing hands, carpel-tunnel and muscle knots. These also prevent injury and teach wrist locks as well as grappling seizures and locks. Five move Tai Chi form, Hsing ...

CHF 34.90


Mnisi, Vincent Happy
This book is compiliation of an A-Z African Royal past and present, an A-Z African Historical Events, The A-Z of African Leaders and the gudiance to the formation of the United Countries Of Africa (UCA).

CHF 38.50

The Biological Computer

Reynolds, Marie
The Biological Computer
We are what we are by what we eat, experience & inherit and this manifests in the body in an array of ways. Every line every mark tells a story. This book gives a powerful insight on how to read the Human Novel. This book is a great tool for the Professional Therapist.

CHF 82.00


Madera, Osiris
Mayra es la novela del azar, ese vadear las aguas tormentosas por encima de las mismas crestas de las olas. La trama toma lugar en tiempo y espacio determinados: San Cristóbal, República Dominicana, 1965. Periodo electoral que debería encaminar a un pueblo por el sendero de la paz y la democracia después del trauma de la guerra civil y la intervención norteamericana, con todas sus secuelas: contrainsurgencia, corrupción y narcotráfico. El a...

CHF 30.90

Broke and Alone

Euwings, Da-Nel
Broke and Alone
Broke and Alone is a guide written for women who want to Live Introspectively, who want to live with greater depth & breadth, who want to live without regrets, who want to live more proactively, who want to honestly address emotional, financial, spiritual and physical deficiency, and who want to thrive - not merely survive. Broke and Alone is a guide written for women who want to move forward, uproot weeds, cease destructive habits, look in...

CHF 20.90

A Bibliography of the Works of Kenneth Grahame

Oakes, Roger A.
A Bibliography of the Works of Kenneth Grahame
Roger A. Oakes, long-time literary enthusiast and collector of the works of Kenneth Grahame, has acquired a wealth of information on every publication, edition, variant and binding of Grahame's original works. Here, in one invaluable resource for Kenneth Grahame scholars, collectors and rare book dealers, are all those details, complete with around 150 images of the books and their covers. [Paperback]

CHF 92.00

Under Western Eyes

Conrad, Joseph
Under Western Eyes
Under Western Eyes is a novel by Joseph Conrad. The novel takes place in St. Petersburg, Russia and Geneva, Switzerland and is viewed as Conrad's response to the themes explored in Crime and Punishment, Conrad being reputed to have detested Dostoevsky. It is also, some say, Conrad's response to his own early life, his father was a famous revolutionary imprisoned by the Russians, but, instead of following in his father's footsteps, at the age o...

CHF 27.90

Modernizaciq i innowacionnoe razwitie Rossii

Zemcow, Stepan
Modernizaciq i innowacionnoe razwitie Rossii
Rossiq nahoditsq pered ätapom modernizacii social'no-äkonomicheskoj sistemy. Kakie suschestwuüt trendy, bar'ery i perspektiwy ätogo processa? V rabote predstawlen äkonomiko-geograficheskij podhod k probleme. Glawa I poswqschena teorii i opytu modernizacij. V glawe II issleduütsq sowremennye uslowiq w Rossii na osnowe analiza inwesticionnoj i innowacionnoj deqtel'nosti. V glawe III modernizacionnye processy rassmotreny na primere Tambowskoj obl...

CHF 102.00

Nitrity i immunoreaktiwnost'

Petenkowa, Anastasiq / Kowalenko, Rimma
Nitrity i immunoreaktiwnost'
Monografiq poswqschena aktual'noj probleme sowremennoj biologii i mediciny - izucheniü uchastiq donorow oxida azota w regulqcii immunnoj sistemy organizma. V kompaktnoj forme sobrany sowremennye literaturnye dannye o wliqnii azotsoderzhaschih soedinenij na razlichnye zwen'q wrozhdennogo i priobretennogo immuniteta, a takzhe ob osobennostqh funkcionirowaniq immunnyh kletok w uslowiqh powyshennogo i ponizhennogo obrazowaniq oxida azota. V knige ...

CHF 64.00


Zhulikowa, Ol'ga
V knige rassmatriwaetsq sistema processow duhownoj socializacii wo wsem bogatstwe i raznoobrazii ee swojstw, wzaimoswqzej i älementow, wklüchaq zakony i tendencii, reglamentiruüschie dwizhenie, strukturu i posledstwiq fenomena «komp'üternogo obscheniq» kak sowremennogo atributa takoj socializacii. Znachitel'noe wnimanie udelqetsq opredeleniü specifiki i sistemy harakteristik fenomena «komp'üternogo obscheniq», obobscheniü rezul'tatow ämpiriche...

CHF 102.00


Kupriqnowa, Alexandra / Golownyh, Iwan
V sledstwii, rosta urownq awtomobilizacii w nashej strane sozdaetsq slozhnaq situaciq na ulicah gorodow. Osobenno w central'noj chasti goroda, gde istoricheski sosredotocheny ob#ekty massowogo tqgoteniq. Ulichno - dorozhnaq set' (UDS) ne sprawlqetsq kak s dwizhuschimisq, tak i so stoqschimi awtomobilqmi. Ranee osnownoe wnimanie udelqlos' uluchsheniü uslowij dwizheniq awtomobil'nogo transporta i chisto tehnicheskim aspektam resheniq ätoj zadach...

CHF 77.00