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465 Ergebnisse - Zeige 1 von 20.

Far from Shore

Webb, Sophie
Far from Shore
In extremely deep waters (two miles deep), the vast sea appears empty. But as naturalist and artist Webb shows readers, it is full of fascinating--yet difficult to study--life. Together with her shipmates, Sophie counts and collects samples of life in the deep ocean.

Unlocking Higher Performance--Learning From 24-7 Smart Bi...

Mutesha, Ronex Kennedy
Unlocking Higher Performance--Learning From 24-7 Smart Billionaires & Millionaires
Unlock higher performance in all essential areas of life by learning from 24-7 Smart Billionaires and Millionaires: improve your spiritual life, home & family life, health and physical fitness, education, intellectual development, professional & business performance, networth, social life, get involved in community improvement within and beyond and take part in the legislative process.

CHF 43.50

The Hauptmann

Richards, Colin
The Hauptmann
The Hauptmann is a story that begins during the latter stages of WW2, then onto the French Foreign Legion, in Vietnam after its defeat The Hauptmann is in South Africa and finally as a mercenary officer in the Belgian Congo. the other stories are a collection of love, hatred, vengeance, humour, and murder.

CHF 29.50

Thompson Series

Matthews, Deidre
Thompson Series
Agt. Haleigh Thompson is a Forensic Scientist but prefers to be an FBI agent. She is joined by her best friend Dawn who works in the lab and a new team. Together they will have to find out why a serial killer is after Haleigh and then in the second part they will have to find their coworker who went missing.

CHF 22.90

The Deadsong

Hardy, Brandon
The Deadsong
Gina Starkweather lives in Hemming, a rural Tennessee town where thirteen children die each year from snakebite. It has been an expected phenomenon for nearly twenty years, and only the victims' mothers suspect why. They wouldn't have had children at all, had a stranger not appeared and promised them the gift of life. These desperate mothers finally bore children without knowing their offspring would never reach adulthood. It has been wr...

CHF 25.50

Dominant Women Of The Muslim World

Lecapois, Teejay
Dominant Women Of The Muslim World
A mature Somali-Canadian Muslim woman seduces and dominates a shy younger man. A Libyan woman runs a House of Domination for bossy Arab women and submissive Arab men. The wife of a mosque's Imam organizes a neighborhood swinger's party. A Saudi Arabian girl seduces a young black man. An African-American football star is seduced by a lovely East Indian woman. A Saudi man explores his fascination for white women. An older Arab is enthralled by a...

CHF 50.50

Raspoznawanie obrazow

Sawchenko, Andrej Vladimirowich
Raspoznawanie obrazow
Raspoznawanie obrazow igraet wazhnuü rol' w sowremennyh informacionnyh sistemah. Osobenno shirokoe rasprostranenie poluchili sistemy awtomaticheskogo raspoznawaniq izobrazhenij. Nesmotrq na shirokuü kommercializaciü rynka programmnyh produktow, intensiwnost' issledowanij w ätoj oblasti otnüd' ne snizhaetsq, t.k. nadezhnost' suschestwuüschih reshenij wse esche ne dostatochna. Problema osobenno usiliwaetsq, esli baza dannyh sostoit iz tysqchi ät...

CHF 77.00

Ewangel'skoe dwizhenie w Rossii

Yarygin, Nikolaj
Ewangel'skoe dwizhenie w Rossii
V knige issleduetsq ewangel'skoe dwizhenie w Rossii. V 1860-h gg. na üge Rossii poqwlqütsq perwye baptisty, a neskol'ko pozdnee w Peterburge - ewangel'skie hristiane. V 1884 g. sozdaötsq Soüz russkih baptistow, w 1909 g. - Vserossijskij soüz ewangel'skih hristian. Oba soüza postoqnno ispytywali pritesneniq so storony carskoj wlasti. Perwoe desqtiletie sowetskoj wlasti wydalos' dlq nih otnositel'no spokojnym. Odnako wskore w strane nachinaütsq ...

CHF 88.00

Jetnicheskaq istoriq chelqbinskih bashkir

Sirazhitdinowa, Nafisa
Jetnicheskaq istoriq chelqbinskih bashkir
Kniga osweschaet ätnicheskoe mnogoobrazie korennogo naseleniq bashkir nyneshnego Argaqshskogo, Kunashaxkogo, Sosnowskogo rajonow Chelqbinskoj oblasti, bywshego Argaqshskogo kantona BASSR. Na materiale izwestnyh nauchnyh istochnikow, a takzhe opiraqs' na fol'klornuü informaciü i sobstwennye polewye materialy awtor pokazywaet slozhnuü migracionnuü istoriü, osobennosti mikroätnonimii i mirowideniq chelqbinskih bashkir. Kniga rasschitana dlq mestn...

CHF 64.00

Profilaktika otklonenij w sostoqnii zdorow'q shkol'nikow

Kuncewich, Swetlana / Rzqnkina, Marina
Profilaktika otklonenij w sostoqnii zdorow'q shkol'nikow
V monografii priwedeny osobennosti sostoqniq zdorow'q shkol'nikow pri perehode ih k predmetnomu obucheniü. Pokazano preobladanie w strukture patologii boleznej kostno-myshechnoj sistemy, narushenij w psihologicheskom zdorow'e, snizhenie urownq rezistentnosti. Predlozhen algoritm rannej diagnostiki i profilaktiki narushenij kostno-myshechnoj sistemy u detej. Na osnowanii izucheniq psihologicheskogo zdorow'q sostawlen psihologicheskij portret pq...

CHF 77.00

Professional'naq dezadaptaciq uchitelq

Rusakowa, Ekaterina
Professional'naq dezadaptaciq uchitelq
Problema izucheniq professional'noj dezadaptacii predstawitelej raznyh professij, w tom chisle i pedagogicheskoj deqtel'nosti, predstawlqet bol'shoj interes dlq psihologicheskoj nauki i praktiki. Stremitel'noe razwitie sowremennogo obschestwa stawit wopros o suschnosti i osobennostqh adaptacii (social'noj, psihologicheskoj, professional'noj), a takzhe wozmozhnostqh preodoleniq dezadaptacii w powedenii professionala. Narastanie dezadaptacionnyh...

CHF 77.00

Profil'naq orientaciq obuchaüschihsq na osnowe mezhpredme...

Klimowa, Dar'q
Profil'naq orientaciq obuchaüschihsq na osnowe mezhpredmetnoj integracii
V monografii rassmotreny osnownye periody stanowleniq profil'noj orientacii w Rossii. Vyqwlen i realizowan proforientacionnyj potencial mezhpredmetnoj integracii s cel'ü formirowaniq profil'noj orientacii starsheklassnikow. Razrabotana strukturno-soderzhatel'naq model' formirowaniq profil'noj orientacii na osnowe mezhpredmetnoj integracii fiziki i mediciny, odnim iz komponentow kotoroj qwlqetsq razrabotannoe awtorom didakticheskoe obespechenie...

CHF 102.00