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668 Ergebnisse - Zeige 1 von 20.

The Routledge Film Music Sourcebook

Wierzbicki, James / Platte, Nathan / Roust, Colin
The Routledge Film Music Sourcebook
The Routledge Film Music Source Book is an annotated, thematically organized collection of approximately eighty source readings pertaining to film music dating from its beginnings to the present, from the US and other select countries around the globe. The documents represent a wide variety of music-related issues that were heatedly debated during cinema 's early decades and which by and large remain of concern today. Each document is prefaced...

CHF 92.00


Hädecke, Wolfgang
Friedrich von Hardenberg, der sich selbst Novalis nannte, war das junge Genie unter den deutschen Romantikern. Er studierte Jura und Bergbau, begeisterte sich für die Französische Revolution, dichtete, schrieb Romane und entwarf philosophische Abhandlungen über Fichte und Kant. Wolfgang Hädecke erzählt sein kurzes und intensives Leben zwischen den Bergwerken im Herzen Deutschlands und den europäischen Ideen von Aufklärung und Idealismus. Viele...

CHF 35.50

Santos por las calles de Nueva York

Royo Mejía, Alberto
Santos por las calles de Nueva York
Normalmente, los santos no son lo primero que nos viene a la cabeza al pensar en Nueva York. En este librito, sin embargo, D. Alberto Royo Mejía relata la vida de siete católicos ejemplares que nacieron en Nueva York o vivieron durante mucho tiempo en la Gran Manzana, dos de ellos ya canonizados. Se trata de siete historias muy diferentes: desde un esclavo negro que terminó manteniendo a la familia de sus antiguos amos, hasta Su Eminencia...

CHF 14.50

The Mayfly

Eddy, Robin
The Mayfly
This poignant and beautiful story, set in the 1970s in an English cathedral town, picks up Thomas Mann's "Death in Venice" theme but, by gently breaking the taboo, brings the man and boy closely together. Roland Millan, successful artist and theatrical designer, falls in love with Piers Moriston, senior chorister at Wharnley Minster. A boy of rare beauty and mature for his age, he is in need of affection and Roland, though ready to give it, f...

CHF 25.90

Looking and Playing in Space

Dance, George
Looking and Playing in Space
Translation of Regards et jeux dans l'espace, the first (and only) book published by Quebec's first modernist poet, Hector de Saint-Denys Garneau.

CHF 15.90

On the Economic Modeling of Corruption

Mahler-Hutter, Manuel
On the Economic Modeling of Corruption
This work discusses the economic literature on Corruption. I draw the distinction between market- and parochial corruption. The institutions and the corrupt contract are the base of the following analysis. Corruption happens within a Principal-Agent relationship. Corruption may flourish if economic rents exist, the costs of corruption are low or if the agents have large discretionary power. I discuss whether corruption always has to have negat...

CHF 48.90


Sandeman, Ian J
This is a story about finding love and then losing love. Set initially in the 1960's in a small village, two teenagers fall in love only to be tragically torn apart. Later in life they are re-united, but all is not well as the heroine of this story Julia, is dying of cancer. Her one time boyfriend Robert is now happily married but his wife knowing that Julia still desparately loves Robert suggests he goes to be with her in her dying days. This...

CHF 26.50

Caught By Cameras

Roberts, Trevor
Caught By Cameras
When Mike Hoffman murders his wife in cold blood and goes unpunished, he looks for another wife who can provide the money he needs to get his son off drugs. His life becomes more and more complicated as he becomes entangled in his own web of deceit until he is eventually faced with terrible decisions he can't avoid.

CHF 26.50

Teoreticheskie i prikladnye aspekty mehanohimii neorganic...

Urakaew, Farit
Teoreticheskie i prikladnye aspekty mehanohimii neorganicheskih weschestw
Prowedeno chislennoe modelirowanie mehanohimicheskih processow kak w noske treschiny pri raskalywanii monokristallow, tak i mehanicheskoj aktiwacii shirokogo klassa neorganicheskih weschestw w razlichnyh mehanohimicheskih reaktorah. Pokazana opredelqüschaq rol' wremennogo faktora t (impul'sow dawleniq P i temperatury T) w wershine treschiny pri skole monokristallow i na udarno-frikcionnom kontakte mehanicheski aktiwiruemyh chastic w dezintegra...

CHF 102.00

Preparing to Move Recording Artists from Independent to M...

Winstead, Craig
Preparing to Move Recording Artists from Independent to Mainstream
Preparing to Move Recording Artists from Independent to Mainstream unlocks the guarded secrets that managers of major recording artists use to keep their clients successful. The information contained in the book is based on qualitative interviews with 15 professional managers representing at least one major recording artist, some with more than three platinum artists on their roster and with more than 20 years of experience in the field. The a...

CHF 77.00

Stereotipnost' i wariatiwnost' w nauchnom texte

Vedqkowa, Nadezhda
Stereotipnost' i wariatiwnost' w nauchnom texte
Monografiq poswqschena aktual'noj probleme stereotipnyh komponentow w nauchnyh textah. Rassmatriwaetsq fenomen stereotipa primenitel'no k textam standartizowannogo zhanra, izuchaetsq stepen' zhestkosti zhanrowoj normy na urowne kompozicii putem wydeleniq älementow kompozicionno-smyslowoj struktury i ustanowleniq ih stereotipnogo sostawa i kompozicionnogo inwarianta, modeliruütsq paradigmy rechewyh konstrukcij, realizuüschih tipowye smysly, po ...

CHF 88.00


Manger, Tat'qna
V monografii raskrywaütsq woprosy teorii, metodologii diwersifikacii sistemy neprerywnogo obrazowaniq w social'no-kul'turnoj sfere. V nastoqschem issledowanii awtor proanalizirowal osnownye ätapy stanowleniq i razwitiq sistemy neprerywnogo obrazowaniq w social'no-kul'turnoj sfere, opredelil strukturnye komponenty stanowleniq gumanisticheskoj lichnosti kak sub#ekta sociokul'turnogo obschestwa, wydelil obrazowatel'nye urowni processa stanowleniq...

CHF 102.00

Rol' tropa w sozdanii zhenskih obrazow

Raewskaq, Kristina / Raewskij, Leonid
Rol' tropa w sozdanii zhenskih obrazow
V knige "Rol' tropa w sozdanii zhenskih obrazow (na materiale trilogii Dzhona Golsuorsi "Saga o Forsajtah")" predstawlen stilisticheskij analiz rechi Irän i Dzhun - geroin' romanow izwestnogo britanskogo pisatelq konca XIX - nachala XX wekow.V hode issledowaniq byla wyqwlena chastota upotrebleniq äpiteta, metafory, olicetworeniq i opredelena ih stilisticheskaq funkciq w proizwedenii.Dlq shirokogo kruga chitatelej.

CHF 64.00

Sowershenstwowanie tehnologii wosstanowleniq kolesnyh par

Vorob'ew, Alexandr
Sowershenstwowanie tehnologii wosstanowleniq kolesnyh par
V monografii predstawleny rezul'taty komplexnogo teoreticheskogo i äxperimental'nogo issledowaniq processow wzaimodejstwiq w sisteme koleso-rel's, a tak zhe sowershenstwowanie tehnologii tokarnoj obrabotki kolesnyh par powyshennoj twerdosti na osnowe termomehanicheskogo podhoda. Kniga prednaznachena dlq nauchnyh i inzhenerno-tehnicheskih rabotnikow predpriqtij, a tak zhe dlq nauchno-issledowatel'skih organizacij, rabotaüschih w oblasti proekti...

CHF 88.00

Diagnostika i podawlenie neustojchiwostej puchka w lepton...

Smalük, Viktor
Diagnostika i podawlenie neustojchiwostej puchka w leptonnyh nakopitelqh
V knige dan obzor sowremennogo sostoqniq del w oblasti issledowanij kollektiwnyh äffektow i neustojchiwostej puchka w älektron-pozitronnyh nakopitelqh. Kratko opisywaütsq metody analiticheskogo, chislennogo i äxperimental'nogo izucheniq kollektiwnyh äffektow dinamiki puchka i impedansow swqzi s cel'ü podawleniq neustojchiwostej puchka w uskoritelqh. Rassmatriwaütsq mehanizmy wozbuzhdeniq i podawleniq prodol'noj mikrowolnowoj neustojchiwosti, p...

CHF 77.00

Nowyj wzglqd

Bezrukowa, D. A. / A. Dzhumagaziew, A.
Nowyj wzglqd
V nastoqschee wremq allergicheskuü patologiü mozhno smelo nazwat' «chumoj» XXI weka. Chastota atopicheskih boleznej, protekaüschih w wide atopicheskogo dermatita, allergicheskogo rinita i bronhial'noj astmy rastet w industrial'no razwityh stranah i w nastoqschee wremq zanimaet perwoe mesto sredi samyh rasprostranennyh hronicheskih zabolewanij w detskom wozraste. Odnoj iz prichin razwitiq allergicheskih boleznej u detej qwlqütsq faktory zagrqzn...

CHF 88.00

Slowar' terminow agressii i nasiliq

Zhmurow, Dmitrij
Slowar' terminow agressii i nasiliq
Slowar' terminow agressii i nasiliq predstawlqet soboj perwoe naibolee polnoe sobranie ponqtij, imeüschih otnoshenie k fenomenu agressii. Rabota ob#edinqet bolee chetyrehsot opredelenij, razroznenno ispol'zuemyh w psihologii, sociologii, psihiatrii, kriminologii, ugolownom prawe, kul'turologii i bytowom qzyke. Shiroko predstawlena terminologiq razlichnyh nauchnyh shkol i naprawlenij, nachinaq ot psihoanaliza i zakanchiwaq nejropsihologicheskim...

CHF 102.00