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&#1601,&#1575,&#1585,&#1587, &#1570,&#1604, &#1588,&#1608...

1575,&1604,&1588,&1610,&1582, &15
&#1601,&#1575,&#1585,&#1587, &#1570,&#1604, &#1588,&#1608,&#1575,&#1601, &#1575,&#1604,&#1575,&#1581,&#1587,&#1575,&#1574,&#1610, ..&#1575,&#1604,&#16
- إن من دواعي تأليفي لهذا الكتاب هو الخطأ الذي وقع فيه بعض المؤلفين في نسبتهم عشيرة الشواف الى غير قبيلتها التي تنتسب اليها . إن ولادة فارس آل شواف كانت حوالي 1009هـ, بينما كانت ولادة- فارس العنزي في عام 1253هـ, و هذا يبيّن بشكل واضح أنّ فارس آل شواف من المستحيل ان يكون هو فارس العنزي. - و من جهة ثانية فإنّ المصادر التاريخية و أقوال المؤرخين و النسابة بيّنت بشكل واضح وجلي أنّ الذي أتى الى الاحساء في عام 1050هـ إنما هو فارس بن سلمان الخزاعي الازدي ب...

CHF 19.90

La Frase Mas Importante de la Biblia

Rivera Ortiz, Gamaliel
La Frase Mas Importante de la Biblia
Y cuando llegaron al lugar llamado de la Calavera, le crucificaron allí, y a los malhechores, uno a la derecha y otro a la izquierda. Y Jesús decía: Padre, perdónalos, porque no saben lo que hacen. Y repartieron entre sí sus vestidos, echando suertes." Lucas 23:33, 34 Estamos en busca de "La Frase Más Importante de la Biblia", y obviamente los versos arriba citados son de vital importancia. La importancia de los mismos yace en el hecho de q...

CHF 13.90

Martha Keldgord's Journal 1911 - 1930

Mesenbrink, Bob
Martha Keldgord's Journal 1911 - 1930
Martha Keldgord was the daughter of Danish Baptist immigrants who lived in Center Township, Shelby County, Iowa. This is her journal, which she started in 1911 when she was about sixteen. She documented day-to-day life on her parent's Iowa farm, and mentioned approximately 500 friends, neighbors, and family members as they went through World War I, Spanish influenza, and technological changes. Notes are added to expand on and explain some o...

CHF 25.90

Solo la tierra

Olmo, J. L.
Solo la tierra
Primeros y difíciles poemas de recordar y de asumir, salvador del olvido, entre muchos otros ya perdidos.

CHF 14.50

Vietnam Calling

James, John
Vietnam Calling
A collection of biographical stories on the subject of life in the National Guard during the Viet Nam war.

CHF 26.90

Saving Grace

McNamar, Keith
Saving Grace
A short love story about a boy named Paul, a girl named Grace, and the way they learn to love each other for better or worse.

CHF 14.90

Indissoluble Bonds, v1

Grycz Poniecki
Indissoluble Bonds, v1
This is Volume 1 of a bi-lingual edition (Polish/English) of the wartime and post-wartime correspondence of the Grycz and Poniecki families. This amazing collection of the letters of two intersecting families: Grycz and Poniecki span several decades and reveal much about the indissoluble bonds of family, the psychology of crisis and the terrible cost of warfare, all within a backdrop of history, real life, real pain and real survival. An altog...

CHF 68.00

Of Mysteries, Mirrors and Men

Cozad, S. A.
Of Mysteries, Mirrors and Men
Clara was subject to the whims of a grandfather she barely remembered who lived in England. Ellen was being shipped to the Americas to pleas her grandfather. To reunite the girls and help them discover their destiny, a maiden aunt puts herself into danger.

CHF 21.50