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818 Ergebnisse - Zeige 1 von 20.

My First Book of Baby Objects

Wonder House Books
My First Book of Baby Objects
A beautiful picture book to encourage talking and building vocabulary by associating words to attractive well researched pictures. The books of the series cover most preschool topics to help your child get ready for school. The soft padded cover makes

CHF 14.90

Wonders Grade 3 Reading/ Writing Companion Units 3-4

McGraw Hill
Wonders Grade 3 Reading/ Writing Companion Units 3-4
Wonders Grade 3 Reading/ Writing Companion Units 3-4: This interactive student edition ensures students read with pencil in hand, collaborate with partners, and write whenever they read. Students master the close reading routine, respond to texts, apply skills and strategies, talk, cite text evidence, and write.

CHF 18.50


Blodgett, Carol Sabel
I have more now than I've ever had in my entire life. I should be content with that. So why am I not? Because so much death has surrounded me all my life and now, when things seem to have calmed down and I have a new family, I fear this comfort I've found is false. It's like I'm afraid of being happy, but that's not really it. I feel them out there. I know they'll come for Kim, for my son and his family. I know the past repeats itself, but I c...

CHF 25.90

The Roots of Our People

Garner Magnet School, Juntos NC
The Roots of Our People
In this bilingual book, The Roots of Our People: From One World to Another--Juntos, high school students of Juntos NC illustrate the roots of "where they're from" to demonstrate the strength of the Latino community. In a collection of poems, memoirs, essays, vignettes, and letters to the community, these authors define and embrace the power, challenges, and pride of living in two worlds-one within their Latino families and communities, and the...

CHF 23.90

Intervenciones psicosociales

Silva Pertuz, Martha / Silva Silva, Adriana / Staaden Mejía, Guillermo
Intervenciones psicosociales
En Colombia desde diversos ámbitos y atendiendo a las dinámicas y circunstancias socio-políticas, culturales, económicas y axiológicas actuales, se observa que, desde hace unos tres lustros, la demanda por los servicios y las acciones de "atención", "intervención", "acompañamiento psicosocial" están a la orden del día. El surgimiento y consolidación de éstos, así como de ofertas para la cualificación profesional desde los variados programas de...

CHF 42.50

Branching Out and Taking Risks in the 1980s

Gross, Lynne
Branching Out and Taking Risks in the 1980s
Summary: Branching Out and Taking Risks in the 1980s includes 72 illustrated stories, sprung from the pages of the author's diaries, which she has kept since she was 10 years old. Most of the stories are based in the Los Angeles area of California while others are located in countries where she taught or consulted. They incorporate historical facts and sociological commentary on such subjects as: advisory boards, aerospace, Alaska, anniversari...

CHF 96.00

Tribulation and Deliverance

Malm, James
Tribulation and Deliverance
Prophecies for today and the immediate future. Explaining the meaning and consequences of present events including the approaching Middle East war and the coming Middle East peace deal, and subsequent events after the prophesied collapse of that agreement. This book clearly explains the progress of events through the coming 1, 260 day long great tribulation and reveals the approximate date of our deliverance by the coming of Messiah the Chr...

CHF 33.50

Un día en el solar, expresión de la cubanidad de Alberto ...

Redonet Sánchez, Yaima
Un día en el solar, expresión de la cubanidad de Alberto Alonso
Este libro es una investigación sobre la creación danzaria de Alberto Alonso. Es la recapitulación de muchos años de búsquedas, de elaboración y reelaboración del movimiento corporal donde el coreógrafo propuso un modo peculiar en el hacer y expresar la danza como espectáculo teatral, que termina distinguiendo su poética danzaria, caracterizada a través del análisis dancístico. Aunque en el repertorio de Alberto Alonso, reconocido como uno de ...

CHF 32.50

Confused About the Millennium? - Apply these Principles -...

Richardson, Robert F.
Confused About the Millennium? - Apply these Principles - Decide for Yourself
This book is for the person who is trying to understand the meaning of the Millennium and is about to abandon the effort. Richardson has taken a fresh approach that differs from the typical format of studies on the Millennium. Rather than review and critique the content of other millennial theories, Richardson begins with the principles of interpretation evangelical scholars have accepted as valid since the Protestant Reformation. He then eval...

CHF 18.90

La Opinión Pública y la Comunicación Política en entornos...

Aguilar Paredes, Carlos / Barredo Ibáñez, Daniel / de la Garza Montemayor, Daniel Javier
La Opinión Pública y la Comunicación Política en entornos digitales
Las agendas políticas en la era digital es una obra de autoría colectiva que acoge una selección de siete trabajos de entre todas las ponencias presentadas en el simposio "La opinión pública y la comunicación política en entornos digitales". Este simposio estuvo enmarcado en el VII Congreso Internacional de Investigación en Comunicación e Información Digital, celebrado entre el 8 y el 10 de noviembre de 2017 en la Facultad de Filosofía y Letra...

CHF 20.50

Competencias Digitales y Mediáticas para una Ciudadanía C...

Iglesias-Onofrio, Marcela / Rodrigo-Cano, Daniel / Gil González, Juan Carlos
Competencias Digitales y Mediáticas para una Ciudadanía Crítica
Esta publicación recoge contribuciones que presentan iniciativas, propuestas y reflexiones sobre las nuevas alfabetizaciones que se muestran significativas en la actualidad para el ejercicio de una ciudadanía crítica. Es también objeto de este simposio analizar el impacto de nuevas formas de comunicación propiciadas por dispositivos tecnológicos en la "Educación para una Ciudadanía Crítica". Por ello, uno de sus propósitos principales es visua...

CHF 23.50

Solar heating and cooling of commercial buildings

Ciocoiu, Bogdan
Solar heating and cooling of commercial buildings
Solar heating and cooling technologies are eco-friendly systems which use solar energy to heat water which later is used for domestic purposes or for controlling the air temperature within dwellings. Between 40-60pc of the average household electricity costs are used for water and air heating. By adopting solar heating and cooling at its full potential, one can save up to 50pc from yearly utility bills. This research examines how UK schools ca...

CHF 28.50


Willis, David
The store of two friends separated by circumstances beyond their control and the joy they found when reunited.,

CHF 14.90

Three Wrong Turns in the Desert

Plakcy, Neil S.
Three Wrong Turns in the Desert
Finalist for the Lambda Literary Award for best gay romance! From the moment he sees handsome Liam McCullough showering naked behind a Tunisian bar, ESL teacher Aidan Greene wants to make love to the sexy bodyguard. At first, though, a dead courier and beefy hired thugs get in the way. But as soon as Liam and Aidan head toward a rendezvous with a Tuareg tribe at a remote oasis, they start getting naked together and exploring all the passion...

CHF 22.90

Mælk og honning

Kaur, Rupi
Mælk og honning
¿mælk og honning¿ er en samling digte og tekster, illustreret af Rupi Kaur selv, der handler om vold, overgreb, tab, kærlighed og kvindelighed. ¿mælk og honning¿ tager læseren med på en rejse ind i livets mest sorgfulde, stærke og kærlige øjeblikke. Rupi Kaur formidler følelser og erfaringer fra et kvindeliv, der er nemt at relatere til. Med sin enkle stil har hun formået at påvirke millioner af læsere."I en alder af 24 er Rupi Kaur blevet kal...

CHF 41.50


Quetting, Michael
Et årSyv gæsMange særlige øjeblikke"Det var ikke planlagt, men de sidste par måneder har gæssene løsnet op for eller åbnet noget i mig. Måske kan man endda sige, at gæssene har været en slags terapi for mig. Efter mange års orienteringsløshed har syv små grågæs hjulpet mig selv og har vist mig, hvad der virkelig tæller her i livet: Kærlighed til andre og kærlighed til livet."I forbindelse med et forskningsprojekt på Max Planck Instituttet for ...

CHF 41.50

En lille bog om universet

Andersen, Anja C.
En lille bog om universet
Teorien om Big Bang er den bedste model, vi i øjeblikket har om universets skabelse, men det betyder ikke, at det er den endelige sandhed. Men hvorfor er der stort set enighed om, at universet for 13, 7 milliarder år siden blev skabt af en tætpakket klump, der rummede al energi og alt stof? Og eksisterede der noget inden Big Bang? Astrofysikeren Anja C. Andersen formidler teorier og forskningsresultater udogmatisk og letforståeligt.Udgivelsen ...

CHF 45.50