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2408 Ergebnisse - Zeige 1 von 20.

&#1571,&#1606,&#1575, &#1608, &#1571,&#1582,&#1609

1581,&1576,&1575,&1603,, && / 1601,&1575,&1590,&1604,, &&
&#1571,&#1606,&#1575, &#1608, &#1571,&#1582,&#1609
Competition commonly shapes relationships between siblings. Insecurities arise as they compare their abilities and accomplishments. The two brothers in this story are no different. Aly wants reassurance of his position in the family. Adam tries to mimic Aly as he wants to be just like his big brother. Find out what happens when parents address this reality. Can a change in mindset give them reassurance that allows them to celebrate their diffe...

CHF 26.50

When Men Fell from the Sky

Andrieu, Claire
When Men Fell from the Sky
A comparative history of the treatment of fallen airmen by civilians in France, Germany and Britain during the Second World War. By considering why the treatment of these airmen contrasted so strongly in these countries, Claire Andrieu sheds new light on how civilians reacted when confronted with the war 'at home

CHF 51.50

Contested Liberalization

Levy, Jonah D.
Contested Liberalization
Levy reveals why economic liberalization is so contested in France, with a comprehensive explanation of economic and social policy since the 1980s. This book will interest scholars and students of political economy and comparative politics, especially those working on economic liberalization, French politics, and the welfare state.

CHF 44.90

Drifting with Clouds, Living by Poetry: The Rivers and La...

Zhang, Hongsheng
Drifting with Clouds, Living by Poetry: The Rivers and Lakes Poets of the Southern Song
How did poets from the "Rivers and Lakes, " a realm defined by its remoteness from the central government, navigate and transform the field of classical poetry, a "high" genre of the scholar-officials class? What did it mean for them to "make a living" out of poetry? Zhang Hongsheng answers those questions in this comprehensive study of the Rivers and Lakes Poetry Movement (Jianghu shipai).

CHF 280.00

Timmy the Lonely Pony

Conorino, Carla / Stanley-Hooper, Veronica
Timmy the Lonely Pony
Timmy is rescued from a ranch that couldn't care for him. He really likes his new owner and the kind way she takes care of him, but the other horses on the ranch notice Timmy looks and behaves differently. When Chanel, an Arabian horse who isn't kind to Timmy, finds herself in trouble by the pond, Timmy is the only one that can help. Can the horses work together to save Chanel? This exciting story of Timmy the Lonely Pony was inspired by a rea...

CHF 16.90

Commenti al libro delle fate

Pierangelo, Baratono
Commenti al libro delle fate
Nobile amico, ricordate i Capricci del Goya? Smorfie di megere innanzi al beffardo specchio delle illusioni, piccole dita di fanciulle agilmente occupate a spennacchiar pollastrini, musical giuoco di scimmiotti per allietare gli ozi di re Ciuco, infine tutte le umane miserie raffigurate, tra macchie d'ombra e chiazze di luce, in una serie di acqueforti tremendamente vere nonostante la veste fantasiosa, profondamente tristi sotto la maschera ga...

CHF 14.50


Giuseppe Cesare, Abba
Il 5 maggio 1860 un giovine, partito da Parma il dì innanzi con l'animo in tumulto, entrava a Genova nella camera di un amico studente, apriva la porta e tosto si sentiva accogliere con queste parole: ¿ Tu vai in Sicilia! ¿ Grazie! ¿ rispondeva il giovane, lieto di vedere indovinato il suo intento onorevole. ¿ Tu non mi hai mai detto parole più degne. Esprimeva così, laconicamente, la sua soddisfazione, e confermava il suo proposito.

CHF 20.90

Der Einsatz von Entscheidungsmodellen beim Kauf von Immob...

Ivens, Timon Jonathan
Der Einsatz von Entscheidungsmodellen beim Kauf von Immobilienportfolios
Beim Kauf eines Gewerbeimmobilienportfolios fallen große Datenmengen an. Diese kann ein Mensch nicht gut verarbeiten, woraus Fehlentscheidungen entstehen können. Daher sind Portfoliotransaktionen ein ideales Anwendungsgebiet für Entscheidungsmodelle. Ein solches hat Timon Ivens entwickelt. In seinem Buch beschreibt er die Entwicklung eines Behavioral Operations Research (BOR) Modells, das anders als klassische OR-Modelle den Faktor Mensch an v...

CHF 65.00

Late Romanticism and the End of Politics

Havard, John
Late Romanticism and the End of Politics
This study invites researchers of Romantic literature and literary and political culture to consider how this period's imaginings of the end of the world shaped thinking about politics and political change. Its highly original arguments on this current theme will interest students of political thought, affect theory, and ecocriticism.

CHF 139.00

Transatlantic Jurisdictional Conflicts in Data Protection...

Taylor, Mistale
Transatlantic Jurisdictional Conflicts in Data Protection Law
This book is for anyone who cares about their privacy and data protection rights. It examines transatlantic conflicts when data privacy laws collide with security, freedom of expression and trade concerns. It considers who may make the law and where and how the EU can ensure fundamental rights are protected.

CHF 155.00

The Making Sense of Politics, Media, and Law

Watt, Gary
The Making Sense of Politics, Media, and Law
Employs a new idea of 'making', covering artefaction, crafting, fiction, and fabrication, to make sense of controversies in law, politics, and media, from transgender identity to cancel culture. Brings new perspectives to a range of academic disciplines. This title is also available as open access on Cambridge Core.

CHF 51.50

Contested Liberalization

Levy, Jonah D.
Contested Liberalization
Levy reveals why economic liberalization is so contested in France, with a comprehensive explanation of economic and social policy since the 1980s. This book will interest scholars and students of political economy and comparative politics, especially those working on economic liberalization, French politics, and the welfare state"--

CHF 135.00

National Governance and Investment Treaties

Ostřanský, Josef / Pérez Aznar, Facundo
National Governance and Investment Treaties
Using socio-legal methodologies, this book shows how investment treaties influence national governance ideologically, institutionally and socially. It shows who gets empowered and marginalised in the process. It will be of use to readers in international law, sociology and anthropology of law and governance as well as to policy-oriented audiences.

CHF 155.00

Sisters in Arms

Crang, Jeremy A.
Sisters in Arms
Jeremy Crang provides a compelling new history of women who served with the British armed forces during the Second World War.

CHF 39.90

Who Owns Outer Space?

Byers, Michael / Boley, Aaron
Who Owns Outer Space?
From Space debris to asteroid strikes to anti-satellite weapons, humanity's rapid expansion into Space raises major environmental, safety, and security challenges. Co-authored by an international lawyer and an astrophysicist, this book explores these and other challenges and proposes actionable solutions. Available as Open Access on Cambridge Core.

CHF 46.90