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816 Ergebnisse - Zeige 61 von 80.

Voennaq proza Olega Ermakowa

Klüchinskaq, Ol'ga
Voennaq proza Olega Ermakowa
V nowejshej russkoj woennoj proze (wtoraq polowina 1980-h godow - nachalo XXI weka) narqdu s temoj Velikoj Otechestwennoj wojny woznikaet tema nowyh wojn (Afganistan, Chechnq i dr.). Oleg Ermakow, awtor cikla «Afganskie rasskazy», romana «Znak zwerq», powesti «Vozwraschenie w Kandagar», qwlqetsq odnim iz weduschih predstawitelej nowejshej woennoj prozy. Swoeobrazie hudozhestwennogo mira O. Ermakowa obnaruzhiwaet sebq w celom rqde specificheski...

CHF 102.00

Tenzornoe Modelirowanie Geomagnitnogo Polq

Tihonow, Alexej
Tenzornoe Modelirowanie Geomagnitnogo Polq
Matematicheskoe modelirowanie dinamiki iskusstwennyh sputnikow Zemli (ISZ), wzaimodejstwuüschih s magnitnym polem Zemli (MPZ), trebuet predwaritel'nogo resheniq problemy modelirowaniq samogo MPZ, otlichaüschegosq slozhnoj strukturoj i otsutstwiem w konechnom wide zawisimosti magnitnoj indukcii ot koordinat okolozemnogo prostranstwa. Analizu ätoj problemy i poswqschena dannaq monografiq, predlagaüschaq na baze tenzornogo modelirowaniq metodiku ...

CHF 64.00

Fenomen swobody w pedagogike

Iwanow, Ewgenij
Fenomen swobody w pedagogike
V monografii daetsq celostnoe mezhdisciplinarnoe teoretiko-istoricheskoe obosnowanie swobody kak pedagogicheskogo fenomena w kontexte poätapnogo ciwilizacionnogo razwitiq i raznourownewogo mezhkul'turnogo dialoga Zapada i Rossii. Vyqwlena istoricheski slozhiwshaqsq specifika zapadnogo i otechestwennogo ponimaniq swobody i pokazany osobennosti ee otrazheniq w filosofsko-pedagogicheskoj mysli. Dano opredelenie i predstawlena razwernutaq harakter...

CHF 102.00

Zaschita i uprawlenie älektropriwodom gornyh mashin i meh...

Solow'ew, Denis
Zaschita i uprawlenie älektropriwodom gornyh mashin i mehanizmow
V monografii rassmatriwaütsq wozmozhnye metody powysheniq urownq bezopasnosti i äffektiwnosti äxpluatacii älektrotehnicheskih komplexow na otkrytyh gornyh rabotah. Priwedeny rezul'taty äxperimental'nogo obsledowaniq älektropotrebleniq odnokowshowyh äxkawatorow razlichnyh modelej. Analiziruetsq izmenenie potrebleniq/generacii reaktiwnoj moschnosti pri smene toka wozbuzhdeniq sinhronnogo dwigatelq äxkawatora. Predlozhena metodika äkonomichnogo r...

CHF 88.00

Kurs distancionnogo obucheniq anglijskoj pis'mennoj rechi

Tatarinowa, Mariq
Kurs distancionnogo obucheniq anglijskoj pis'mennoj rechi
Rabota poswqschena problemam pedagogicheskogo proektirowaniq, razrabotki i organizacii kursow distancionnogo obucheniq na primere obucheniq pis'mennoj anglijskoj rechi studentow 2-3 kursow lingwisticheskogo wuza. V rabote predstawleny hod i rezul'taty issledowaniq didakticheskih wozmozhnostej distancionnogo obucheniq dlq razwitiq inoqzychnoj kommunikatiwnoj kompetencii studentow-lingwistow w inoqzychnoj pis'mennoj rechi, teoreticheski i äxperi...

CHF 102.00

Uil'qm Morris ¿ osnowopolozhnik nowogo hudozhestwennogo p...

fon Arb-Knorozok, Tat'qna
Uil'qm Morris ¿ osnowopolozhnik nowogo hudozhestwennogo proektirowaniq
Dannaq monografiq poswqschena dizajnerskoj praktike anglijskogo hudozhnika Uil'qma Morrisa. Jetogo hudozhnika otlichaet glubokoe ponimanie prirody ornamental'nogo iskusstwa - ego ploskostnogo nachala. Otsutstwie naturalizma, umenie obobschenno izobrazit' prirodnye formy i prewratit' ih w ornamental'nyj uzor - harakternaq osobennost' ego rabot. V tworchestwe dizajnera razrabatywaütsq specificheskie priemy transformacii prirodnogo motiwa i sozda...

CHF 64.00

Metody Powysheniq Resursa Bandazhej Kolesnyh Par Lokomotiwow

Bujnosow, Alexandr
Metody Powysheniq Resursa Bandazhej Kolesnyh Par Lokomotiwow
Bandazhi kolesnyh par qwlqütsq odnim iz samyh otwetstwennyh älementow mehanicheskoj chasti lokomotiwow. Osnownoj cel'ü knigi qwlqetsq obosnowanie, razrabotka metodow pozwolqüschih uwelichit' resurs bandazhej do obtochki i smeny, umen'shit' iznos kolesnyh par, snizit' rashody na äxpluataciü i remont lokomotiwow. Priwedeny osnownye prichiny intensiwnogo iznosa bandazhej i obosnowany razlichnye tehnologii dlq uwelicheniq resursa kolesnyh par loko...

CHF 102.00

Zaschita chelowecheskogo dostoinstwa w Rossijskoj Federacii

Hashem, Tat'qna
Zaschita chelowecheskogo dostoinstwa w Rossijskoj Federacii
Monografiq predstawlqet soboj konstitucionno-prawowoe issledowanie ponqtiq dostoinstwa lichnosti, garantij i mehanizmow ego zaschity i prednaznachena dlq studentow, aspirantow i prepodawatelej üridicheskih VUZow, prakticheskih rabotnikow, a takzhe mozhet byt' ispol'zowana w rabote organow gosudarstwennoj wlasti. Chelowecheskoe dostoinstwo issledowano kak uniwersal'naq prawowaq kategoriq i cennostnaq osnowa sistemy praw i swobod cheloweka.

CHF 88.00

Municipal'noe zdrawoohranenie

Tukaewa, Anor
Municipal'noe zdrawoohranenie
V poslednie desqtiletiq sfera rossijskogo zdrawoohraneniq preterpewala mnozhestwo institucional'nyh preobrazowanij, sredi kotoryh naibol'shee wliqnie na ee funkcionirowanie okazali perehod k sisteme obqzatel'nogo medicinskogo strahowaniq i wydelenie iz obschej struktury sistemy municipal'nogo zdrawoohraneniq w kachestwe otdel'nogo instituta. Dannaq rabota osnowana na ämpiricheskih issledowaniqh, prowedennyh w period s 2006 po 2008 gg. w ramkah...

CHF 64.00

Recent Advances in Hydraulic Fracturing

Gidley, John L.
Recent Advances in Hydraulic Fracturing
Recent Advances in Hydraulic Fracturing is a comprehensive reference book reflecting technological advances in hydraulic fracturing. Contents include practical examples and illustrative problems to demonstrate specific applications of advanced technologies for students and experienced engineering professionals alike.

CHF 113.00

Springtime for Henry

Levy, Benn
Springtime for Henry
Genre: Comedy Characters: 2 males, 2 females Scenery: Interior In this play Mr. Levy gives us the blundering and silly ass character of Henry Dewlip, a wealthy young English bachelor. Henry leads a life of ease until he is taken in hand by his apparently prim young secretary, who tries to persuade him to forego all his pleasant vices. "Few things on Broadway are so funny. Not for many a night have I heard such spontaneous laughter in a theater...

CHF 19.90

Susan Slept Here

Fisher, Steve (Apple Computer Inc) / Gottlieb, Alex
Susan Slept Here
Genre: Comedy Characters: 4 males, 4 females Scenery: Interior A Hollywood writer in need of some research material finds Susan, a 17 year old delinquent, on his doorstep on a rainy Christmas Eve. He learns her life, decides he won't let her be sent to the prison farm, and therefore contrives to have her marry him in Las Vegas. Before she awakens after their all night ride back, Joe leaves for his mountain cabin to write a play about Susan. In...

CHF 19.90

Coming to America

Ng, Paul C.
Coming to America
Everyone may agree that America is still the greatest country in the world. However, some may also argue that America is on the decline. We are confronting huge problems such as government gridlocks, budget deficits, national debt, loss of jobs, energy dependence, discrimination and terrorism. This book helps us to identify all these and other problems, and offers solutions. But we must have serious dialogue and debate before we can offer viab...

CHF 43.90

Coming to America

Ng, Paul C.
Coming to America
Everyone may agree that America is still the greatest country in the world. However, some may also argue that America is on the decline. We are confronting huge problems such as government gridlocks, budget deficits, national debt, loss of jobs, energy dependence, discrimination and terrorism. This book helps us to identify all these and other problems, and offers solutions. But we must have serious dialogue and debate before we can offer viab...

CHF 54.90