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1253 Ergebnisse - Zeige 21 von 40.

Sports of the future

Germain, Ndigo Biouele
Sports of the future
Sports of the Future" was created thanks to a witty adaptation of many historical, philosophical and sociocultural themes into the language of sports. Sunaton is a demonstration of the battle that once opposed Pharoah Akhenaton to the priest of Amon Râ. Its ball represents the Sun (Aton). Lumen Umbra is a representation of Jesus and his disciples' battle against the forces of darkness that sought to undermine their mission on earth. It also ex...

CHF 48.90

Matematicheskij analiz w äkonomike

Cheremnyh, Ju. N. / Klükin, P. N.
Matematicheskij analiz w äkonomike
Uchebnoe posobie po matematicheskomu analizu. Posobie demonstriruet poleznost' primeneniq matematicheskogo analiza dlq shirokogo spektra teoreticheskih i prikladnyh äkonomicheskih zadach, naprimer, zadacha maximizacii pribyli firmy, zadacha racional'nogo powedeniq potrebitelej na rynke, zadacha nahozhdeniq staticheskogo äkonomicheskogo rawnowesiq. Predstawlqet interes dlq bakalawrow, magistrow, aspirantow, doktorantow i prepodawatelej wysshih ...

CHF 59.90

Neoliberal Cycles and Solidarity Economies in Argentina a...

Alcorta, Juan Alfredo
Neoliberal Cycles and Solidarity Economies in Argentina and Japan
Neoliberal programs and reforms have been implemented in both and Argentina and Japan with the belief that its policies would bring greater economic efficiency. This has not been the case as the imposition of neoliberal policies has led to the creation of particular business cycles, named neoliberal cycles, which have resulted in ever deeper economic, political and/or social crises characterized by growing unemployment, worsening labor conditi...

CHF 83.00

Sbornik statej

Musihin, Alexandr
Sbornik statej
Vy derzhite w rukah sbornik statej praktikuüschego psihologa i psihoterapewta s poleznoj informaciej i materialami po psihologii. Zdes' wy smozhete najti stat'i na raznye temy: Kak rabotaet psihoterapiq, kak najti swoe prednaznachenie, sdelat' prawil'nyj wybor, kak priuchit' rebenka chto-libo delat', otkuda berutsq strahi, fobii i panicheskie ataki i kak s nimi sprawit'sq, pro chuwstwo winy, otnosheniq mezhdu muzhchinoj i zhenschinoj i mnogoe ...

CHF 27.90

Internet et PME

Lacheret, Philipppe
Internet et PME
Internet est un outil dont l'un des usages principaux dans le monde économique consiste à effectuer des transactions (achat-vente, rédaction de contrat, échange d'informations confidentielles, conduite de projet, règlements contractuels). Efficace, universel et bon marché, il n'a pas été conçu au départ pour ces objectifs opérationnels à contenu sensible et il présente des risques en matière de sécurité. Cet ouvrage a pour but d'aider les patr...

CHF 47.50

Effect of CAI on student Performance in Basic Technology ...

Yunusa, Abdullahi Abubakar
Effect of CAI on student Performance in Basic Technology in Nigeria
Effect of Computer instruction on student performance in Basic Technology is an account of a research effort tailored to evaluate the potency of technology in the midst of several challenges to teaching and learning Basic technology in Sokoto State, Nigeria After a painstaking and very tedious application of computer mediated instruction on an intact class in an urban located school and Traditional teaching approach in a school located in a ru...

CHF 65.00


Chen, Tsorng Ming
This book investigates and reports a controversial issue regarding conflicting evidence in previous research as to the correlations among college students learning strategy LS use self efficacy SE levels and English receptive proficiency ERP After performing correlation and regression analyses on the data collected the students ERP levels were found to be significantly correlated to each and total LS use with low correlation coefficients Besid...

CHF 42.90

Factores de Riesgo Psicosocial

Guerra Guerra, Monica Paulina
Factores de Riesgo Psicosocial
Los factores de riesgos psicosocial incluyen dos perspectivas de análisis, las condiciones laborales, la interacción trabajador-empresa, y por otra parte las características individuales del colaborador, sus necesidades y condiciones personales. Consecuentemente, comprende aspectos relacionados al entorno laboral, su organización, sus sistemas de trabajo, y las relaciones humanas que en él se desarrollan, y por ende puede afectar al ámbito psi...

CHF 32.90

Espacio Total y Metodología de Creación en Estancias Core...

Ñeco Morote, Leticia
Espacio Total y Metodología de Creación en Estancias Coreográficas
Estancias Coreográficas (EC) es un proceso de investigación en danza que impulsa la pedagogía, la creación y la interdisciplinariedad. En la edición EC2016 la investigación aborda el espacio en la danza. Este libro recopila las conclusiones y los caminos de investigación del Espacio-Total investigado en Estancias Coreográficas. Asimismo, complementa los libros "Espacio Interior" y "Espacio Kinesfera" en EC. A través de un diseño de investigaci...

CHF 76.00

Civil szervezetek vezetése- Civil menedzsment?

Anita, Pierog
Civil szervezetek vezetése- Civil menedzsment?
A könyv Pierog Anita doktori munkájának javított, de lényegében változatlan kiadása. A kutatások célja az volt, hogy az eredmények alapján javaslatokat fogalmazzon, melyek révén javítható, eredményesebbé teheto a civil szervezetek muködése, vezetése és irányítása. Cél volt továbbá meghatározni azokat a feladatokat, melyek sajátosan a civil szervezetek vezetését jellemzik. A vizsgálatok Hajdú-Bihar megyében bejegyzett civil szervezetek körében ...

CHF 54.50

¿leti¿im ve Sözlü Tarih I

Dolunay, Ayhan / Keçeci, Gökçe / Kasap, Fevzi
¿leti¿im ve Sözlü Tarih I
Iletisim ve Sözlü Tarih I: Kibrista Türk-Rum Ortak Yasami", tarihsel süreç içerisinde, Kibrista Türk ve Rum ortak yasam geçmisinin tespiti ve ayni zamanda, adanin güneyinden kuzeyine göç eden Kibrisli Türklerin, adanin kuzeyinde dogan çocuklarinin, ilgili döneme iliskin algisinin tespiti amaçlarini tasimakta, Kibris Türk Toplumunun, adada olasi bir çözüme iliskin bakis açisini, mülakat gruplari üzerinden aktarmaktadir.

CHF 47.50

Aprendizaje basado en el caso modalidad taller en Patología

Ortiz Mayor, Sonia Marcela
Aprendizaje basado en el caso modalidad taller en Patología
Este libro, basado íntegramente en las prácticas metodológicas aplicadas, es una expresión de instancias disciplinarias entre diversas cátedras de la carrera de médico. Tiene por objeto describir el estudio de caso o aprendizaje basado en el caso (ABC), a través de la metodología taller. Fue realizado en la cátedra de Anatomía Patológica de la Facultad de Medicina de la Universidad Nacional de Tucumán durante el período 2007-2008. Tres ejes co...

CHF 43.90

Electrical and Spectroscopic Properties of Germanate Glasses

Vijay, Rangu
Electrical and Spectroscopic Properties of Germanate Glasses
The book deals with the study of influence of some modifier oxides (viz., PbO, ZnO, BaO, SrO, CaO) on electrical and spectroscopic properties of lithium antimony germanate glasses. Such studies were also extended to lithium antimony lead germanate glass systems doped with some VI B group elements (chromium (Cr),  molybdenum (Mo), tungsten (W)). The investigation deals with the methods of preparation, characterization by XRD and studies on phys...

CHF 89.00

Molecular Characterization of Some Viruses Infecting Pota...

Aseel, Dalia
Molecular Characterization of Some Viruses Infecting Potatoes
Potato (Solanum tuberosum L.) is considered as one of the most economically important solanaceous crops that are cultivated in different regions in Egypt. In contrast, potato is a host to many bacterial, fungal and viral diseases. More than three dozen plant viruses, a viroid and phytoplasmas can infect potato crop and hardly reduce the yields.The present study aims to detect and characterize potato leaf roll virus (PLRV) and potato virus Y (P...

CHF 83.00

Effect of Chinese Foreign Direct Investment

Owusu-Afriyie, John / Doku, Isaac / Akuma, John
Effect of Chinese Foreign Direct Investment
Purpose - This study aims to examine the quantitative effect and direction of Chinese Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) on economic growth in Africa using a sample of 20 African countries from 2003 to 2012 with data obtained from United Nations Conference on Trade and Development and the World Bank. Design/methodology/approach - The study used panel least squares regression, specifically fixed effect model to examine the quantitative effect of C...

CHF 59.90

Carros jaula ferroviarios: reacondicionamiento del par tr...

Martín Carvajal, Luis Orlando / García, Asdrúbal
Carros jaula ferroviarios: reacondicionamiento del par tribológico
El par de fricción eje-cojinete plano del carro jaula ferroviario para el transporte de la caña de azúcar en algunos países del Caribe presenta dificultades con la durabilidad de su vida útil y el alto costo de sus mantenimientos. El trabajo tiene como objetivos: sustituir el bronce de las bases de los cojinetes de deslizamiento por un material de menor costo y de menos afectación a la durabilidad del eje, además el de elaborar una tecnología ...

CHF 102.00

General Base Catalysis Hydrolysis of Chloropyrifos

Kulshreshtha, Arpita / Shinde, Chandra kant P.
General Base Catalysis Hydrolysis of Chloropyrifos
This book is mainly provided for the researchers and students working in the field of physical and organic chemistry. It helps to study the hydrolysis of pesticides and insecticides. With the growing use of pesticides and insecticides in the field of agriculture and their accumulation in the environment becomes unavoidable. The solubility in water and presence in the soil of these compounds are very harmful to the living organism. This book is...

CHF 47.50

Effect of Grains Diet on Microbial Protein & Milk Product...

Singh, Alok Pratap / Srinivas, Bandla
Effect of Grains Diet on Microbial Protein & Milk Production in Cows
Demand for grains is multidimensional involving human, avian species, non-ruminant and ruminant animals. Feeding grains to dairy cows is competitive to egg and meat production. Though feeding of grains to lactating cows is preferred in the field over other category of dairy animals, its feasibility depends on financial returns from milk. If the returns from milk business after grain feeding are equal or little more than egg or meat production,...

CHF 83.00

Media Organizations

Cereci, Sedat
Media Organizations
Many radio and television channels and newspapers and web site on internet structure in professional forms and become components of global economy. Technology has surrounded the world and people have lived with technological devices and technological approaches for a century. Media are the most attractive productions of technology and are used commonly in the world. Media organizations are big business in the world in modern age. Many media or...

CHF 83.00

Méthodes robustes et floues pour la mesure de la pauvreté

Belhadj, Besma
Méthodes robustes et floues pour la mesure de la pauvreté
Selon l'approche floue un individu appartient ou non à l'ensemble des pauvres se fait selon une modalité graduelle, évaluant dans quelle mesure la personne considérée appartient et n'appartient pas à un "ensemble des pauvres" dont nous pouvons faire partie par certains aspects, et ne pas faire par d'autres. Nous définissons ainsi un "ensemble flou" et une distinction entre l'appartenance et la non appartenance à l'ensemble en faisant une trans...

CHF 96.00