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1376 Ergebnisse - Zeige 1 von 20.

Négocier pour exister

Félicité, Indravati / Institut Historique Allemand Paris
Négocier pour exister
This study deals with France¿s impact on the politics of the Hanseatic cities Lübeck, Bremen, and Hamburg and the duchies of Schleswig-Holstein-Gottorp and Mecklenburg-Schwerin between 1650 and 1730. This was a period of change in the underlying constitutional premises of the Empire. For these powers, negotiation and diplomacy became a matter of life and death, essential for safeguarding the existence of their governments.

CHF 71.00

Global Histories of Work

Eckert, Andreas
Global Histories of Work
Global Histories of Work is the first title in the new series "Work in Global and Historical Perspective". This collection of selected articles written by leading scholars in different disciplines provides both an introduction and numerous insights into themes, debates and methods of Global Labour History as they have been developed over the last years. The contributions to the volume discuss crucial historiographical developments, present dif...

CHF 108.00

Faerie Wrath

Adams, Emma L.
Faerie Wrath
When ghosts start appearing all over town, my witch friend Isabel and I are pulled in to help the necromancers exorcise the wayward spirits. With the dead refusing to stay dead, it's easier said than done. And there's something worse hiding on the wrong side of the grave. As an old adversary puts a dangerous plan in motion, I'm forced to learn more about the magic I stole from Faerie's darkest corner. But every step brings me closer to the...

CHF 19.50

Half the Sum of Attraction

Osborne, Meg
Half the Sum of Attraction
Half the sum of attraction, on either side, might have been enough…" Eight years and a bit before their romantic reunion, Anne Elliot meets Captain Frederick Wentworth for the first time. Immediately struck by the handsome Commander's easy manner and good humour, she cannot dare to hope he feels the same way about her. Frederick is home from the sea and staying with his brother, a Curate in Monkton, little expecting he will meet a young wo...

CHF 19.50

Chipwell Boys Tackle Europe

Brown, Peter
Chipwell Boys Tackle Europe
Cheers for cheeky Chipwell! A never-to-be-forgotten romp through 1960s Europe with the most ill-equipped and unlikely village football team Britain has ever produced. And it's going to take more than a few ghostly apparitions, an impromptu skinny dipping session on the beach and a nightmare television interview to stop them.

CHF 26.90

Stalking the Vesper Bluets

Cresswell, Stephen
Stalking the Vesper Bluets
Stalking the Vesper Bluets is a collection of images by nature photographer Stephen Cresswell. Fifty short essays accompany the photos, on topics ranging from male camaraderie among walruses, to human interactions with Snapping Turtles, to researching the sex lives of fishes.

CHF 62.00

Per amore di Arabella

Perlin, Giuseppe
Per amore di Arabella
Restare sepolto sotto le macerie di una casa bombardata segna profondamente la vita di un adolescente. Ci penserà Arabella, infermiera un po' sui generis, a riportarlo nel mondo dei suoi coetanei, iniziandolo contemporaneamente alle gioie e ai tormenti dell'amore, finché il destino non si ripresenterà per saldare il conto

CHF 26.90

Tommy Polito's Tavern

Green, John
Tommy Polito's Tavern
Every town has one and every one has a story. This is just one of them, with a "Twilight Zone" style twist thrown-in for good measure. "Up ahead at the sign post..." They say you can never go back and maybe you shouldn't. Thirty two years after he left his hometown, Jonathan Moran returns to visit his dying father and spends a long afternoon driving down "memory lane" only to find a portal to the past and maybe a date with destiny. This...

CHF 17.50

Gli intellettuali e la Grande Guerra - Scrittori, artisti...

Libro Grande Guerra, Gruppo
Gli intellettuali e la Grande Guerra - Scrittori, artisti, politici italiani nella Prima guerra mondiale tra interventismo e opposizione - VOLUME 1
Circa venti collaboratori prendono qui in esame il ruolo svolto dagli intellettuali durante la Grande Guerra: una guerra con "nomi e cognomi", più o meno noti al grande pubblico. I singoli contributi pongono in risalto le diverse opinioni che si vennero a determinare prima dell'adesione dell'Italia al conflitto, analizzando il vivace dibattito che si accese tra interventisti e neutralisti, con le numerose e sfumate scelte e prese di posizione ...

CHF 32.50

TOLTECA - Un Amor Mitico

Castillejos, Carlos Jesùs
TOLTECA - Un Amor Mitico
Pioveva con la delicatezza di una carezza. Il tramonto s'inclinava lentamente. All'oriente, contemplavo rapito l'arcobaleno. Tolteca, inaspettatamente, sferzò un colpo con la mano sulla mia spalla. Quanta bellezza! - vero - in quel momento non sapevo se si riferisse al paesaggio o a lei. Vivila! Perché la bellezza sempre visita chi non si aspetta nulla da lei, chi non desidera neppure ricordarla. Caro, giorno ce ne andremo, - la sua tenerezza ...

CHF 26.50


Devereaux-Nelson, Robin
Elena and Roz have survived a childhood in the shadow of their mother's mental and emotional illness, and abandonment by a father who cannot cope with the destructive family dynamics they all face. After their mother dies, Roz comes up missing and Elena must step up to the plate to find her sister before it is too late.

CHF 37.90

Stazione Rifugio Idra

Alfaroli, Marco
Stazione Rifugio Idra
Come saranno i sistemi di scambio merci nel futuro? Teletrasporto o viaggi interstellari a bordo di astronavi mercantili? John Ellroy è uno dei tanti "camionisti" dello spazio che, nel 2968, fanno una vita simile ai loro omologhi dei giorni nostri. E fermarsi sulla Stazione Idra per riparazioni significherà per lui uscire dalla routine... e rischiare la vita!

CHF 13.90

The Secret of the Sunrise

Hayward-Tonkin, Susan
The Secret of the Sunrise
Dragons fight Demons in a battle to protect the Sunrise. A child and her Dragon, a powerful old Magician, and members the Royal Court all find themselves in a blazing battle, assisted by the elves and dwarfs. A beautiful mythical creature holds the key to victory, as they fight courageously for their lives, for their King and for their future.

CHF 28.50

Landscape and Ideology

Bar, Doron
Landscape and Ideology
The book deals with the stories of a few dozen Jews, Zionists, politicians, writers, poets, and public activists who passed away in the Diaspora, far and detached from the national homeland that they fought for before their death. Only later, in an act of repair, their remains were sent to be buried in the ¿sacred¿ Zionist soil. Their graves became pilgrimage sites and contributed to the design of Israel¿s symbolic landscape.

CHF 108.00

Das Recht auf Beschuldigung

Gerson, Oliver Harry
Das Recht auf Beschuldigung
Die Beschuldigtenstellung als Status, Rolle und Funktion ist bisher stiefmütterlich behandelt worden. Wie das Werk zeigt, ist die Beschuldigteneigenschaft indes nicht eine Rechtsposition unter vielen, sondern wirft vielmehr die ¿Systemfrage" auf, welche die Grundfesten des Strafverfahrens berührt und bedingt. Die Untersuchung bereitet den Boden für eine neue Debatte zu Grund und Grenzen der Beschuldigung im deutschen Strafverfahren.

CHF 204.00

A Thistle & Hive Christmas

Vale, Jennae
A Thistle & Hive Christmas
It's Christmas at The Thistle & Hive Inn and Edna Campbell couldn't be happier. She's sent all of her time traveling friends and their families a special invitation to meet at the bridge on December 22, where they'll be transported through time from the year 1516 to present day Glendaloch, Scotland. It should be a joyful celebration, but things may not go exactly as planned when sixteenth century highlanders and their twenty-first century wive...

CHF 12.90